Marauder Miniatures Chaos Dwarf with Two Swords CD10
Sculpted by Aly Morrison. As seen in the September 1989 White Dwarf (#117):
Sculpted by Aly Morrison. As seen in the September 1989 White Dwarf (#117):
CD14 on the base. As seen in the September 1989 White Dwarf (#117):
Sculpt by Aly Morrison.
This guy seems to be both Brough and Palmer – it’s hard to tell from the low-res catalogue pics online
Assault Trooper Moss. Sculpted by Aly Morrison.
Scout Trooper Pank. An Aly Morrison sculpt. Also shown in the Autumn 1989 catalogue in the 072019/1 set.
Trooper Black. An Aly Morrison sculpt.