This Space Marine from the original Rogue Trader edition of Warhammer 40K went by Brother Morris in the early flyers, and in later catalogues as Space Marine with Multi Melta and Bolt Pistol 070121/47.
Can’t make out anything on this tab, unfortunately!
- Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black
- Blue: Scale75 Art Blue, shaded with that mixed with Art Black, highlighted with that and Pro Acryl Titanium White
- Red: Pro Acryl Bold Pyrrole Red, shaded with that mixed with Scale75 Art Burgundy Wine Red, further shaded with Art Black, highlighted with BPR mixed with Scale75 Art Intense Yellow. Bolt pistol was Bold Pyrrole Red, shaded with Targor Rageshade, highlighted with the same.
- Green: Spring Green, shaded with Art Black, highlighted with Primary Yellow and then Neon Yellow, then Neon Yellow + Titanium White, and Titanium White for the little reflection
- Base: Base coat of Burgundy Wine Red, then the rocks were done in Off White, then washed with Garaghak’s Sewer. Then pigments of Natural Soil, then Sand, then Gypsum for the rocks. Rim of Vallejo Black Grey
- Bone: Off White, washed with watered down Garaghak’s Sewer, brought up again with Off White and Pro Acryl Titanium White, washed again with Garaghak’s Sewer.
- Silver: Base coat of Art Black, then a drybrush of Black Metal, then drybrush of Thrash Metal, then a drybrush of Speed Metal, then a drybrush of White Alchemy. Then a wash of Nuln Oil Gloss and a little bit of Seraphim Sepia.
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