Vintage Rogue Trader Space Marine Brother Longun or Anderton with Heavy Bolter

The heavy bolters were a little bit smaller way back when…

Later shown as Space Marine armed with Heavy Bolter, part number 070121/48.

Painted but not based:

I tried my version of speed painting on this guy… which means about 2 days worth of painting effort.

Undercoat: Vallejo Mecha Black

Base Coat: Scale75 Artist Cobalt blue, building to a blend of Cobalt and Primary Blue. Shade of Scale75 Instant Fairy Blood and Scale75 Shadow Black

Edge highlights: Scale75 Primary Blue

Recesses: Scale75 Instant Fairy Blood, darker areas Instant Shadow Black

Silver: Scale75 Heavy Metal building to Speed Metal on the edges, shade a glaze of Scale75 Artist Black

Red: Scale75 Artist Crimson building to Primary Red, shade of Scale75 Fairy Blood and Scale75 Shadow Black

Green: Scale75 Artist White followed by Scale75 Fluoro Green, shade of Scale75 Instant Basilisk Green

Decals from the Forge World Ultramarines sheet

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